University of Mumbai, also known as Mumbai University, Maharashtra, has announced the result of FYBSc (First Year Bachelor of Science) / SYBSc (Second Year Bachelor of Science) IT (Information Technology) (IDOL- Institute of Distance and Open Learning) examination. The examination was conducted in the month of August 2011. Results are made available on the University's official website:
All those students, who have appeared in the Mumbai University FYBSc/ SYBSc IT (Information Technology) (IDOL) Exam August 2011, can check the results by logging in the aforementioned website. In order to obtain the result, one must enter the required details and click on the “Go” button in the direct links given below:
FYBSc IT Semester II (IDOL) Exam August 2011
SYBSc IT Semester IV (IDOL) Exam August 2011
For more information regarding results, candidates are requested to visit the abovementioned website.