National School of Drama, popularly known as NSD, New Delhi, has invited applications from eligible candidates for admission into three year full time (residential) Diploma in Dramatic Arts programme, to be offered in the ensuing session commencing from mid of July 2012. An expert committee of the school will finalize the admission on the basis of candidates’ performance in preliminary test / audition followed by a final workshop. Preliminary test / audition will be held at below mentioned centres.
Note: Applicants who have been applying for the last three years but could not qualify in the preliminary interview need not to apply. However, those who qualified in the preliminary interview but did not clear the final interview for the last 2 years may apply.
Test Centers
Preliminary test / audition will be held at: Bengaluru, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata, and Mumbai
See the prospectus
How to Apply
Interested candidates can obtain the application form and prospectus from the book shop of the National School of Drama from March 20, 2012 between 10 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on all working days by paying an application fee of Rs 150. Applicants can also download the application form the official website of NSD: from March 20, 2012.
In addition, one can get the application form and prospectus by post on sending a request for application form along with a crossed DD (Demand Draft) / Pay Order of Rs 222 (including postal charges) to The Academics Department, National School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi-110001 latest by March 30, 2012. The DD or Pay Order should be drawn in favor of the director, National School of Drama, New Delhi, payable at Delhi.
The duly filled in application form complete in all respect should be sent in an envelope superscripted with “Application for Admission 2012- 2015” to The Academics Department, National School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi-110001 on or before April 20, 2012. Those sending printed copy of downloaded application form should attach a DD (with the application form) of Rs 150 drawn in favor of The Director, National School of Drama, New Delhi, payable at Delhi. For further information regarding admission procedure, eligibility criteria, application procedure and fee, one can visit the aforementioned official website of NSD.
- Request of obtaining the Application form and Prospectus by post must be reached at the abovementioned address latest by March 30, 2012.
- Application forms sent in envelope without “Application for Admission 2012- 2015” title will not be entertained.
- No application will be accepted after the last date of application.
Date of Issue of Application Form
Application forms will be available online / offline from- March 20, 2012
Last Date of Issue of Application Form- April 15, 2012
Last Date of Submitting the Application Form
April 20, 2012