Calcutta University invites applications for admission into PhD in Applied Psychology programme, for the academic year 2013. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the in the written examination. The eligible candidates will have to appear in a written examination of 2.5 hours, to be held in the Department followed by an interview.
Those candidates who have already passed UGC (JRF) examination/NET/SET/SLET /Teacher Fellowship or equivalent examinations or passed the M.Phil in Psychology or equivalent examinations need not appear for the written examination. Such candidates can directly appear for the interview but they need to submit their application forms for admission within specific date i.e. May 24, 2013.
Date of Exam
June 3, 2013 (The syllabus of this examination is the UGC NET (Paper II and III A) in Psychology and existing syllabus of M.A/M.Sc. in Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta.)
Note: The results of the written test will be published on June 17, 2013. The successful candidates will be called for an interview on June 24, 2013. The candidates will be finally selected as Probationary PhD student of this department on the basis of the evaluation in the interview.
Test Centers
Calcutta University, Department of Applied Psychology
How to Apply
Interested candidates can apply in the prescribed application form obtainable from the Department of Applied Psychology by paying Rs 100 through a challan (obtainable from Cash Counter in Rajabazar Science College Campus and College Street Campus). No Demand Draft / Postal Order or others will be entertained. Thereafter, the duly filled application form (one copy passport size photo and xerox copy of all qualifications) must reach the office of the Head of the Department between April 29, 2013 to May 24, 2013. For more details regarding the admission and application procedure candidates are required to visit the University’s official website:
Last Date of Submitting Application Form
May 24, 2013.