On April 2, 2013, University of Delhi, has announced the results of Mater of Arts (MA) / Master of Engineering (ME) / Mater of Law (LLM) examinations as per the belowmentioned details. The examinations were held in the year 2012. In order to get more information regarding the results, candidates can visit the official website of the University: http://www.du.ac.in/.
University of Delhi, among the largest and most prestigious universities of the country, has a wide range of faculties and around 80 colleges spread all over the city. DU has been awarded recognition from UGC for outstanding academic work. It is an esteemed university of international repute and degrees awarded by it carry value worldwide.
Date of Results Declaration
April 2, 2013
Category of Exam
Arts / Engineering / Law:
- Master of Arts (MA) Part II (IV Semester) Exam 2012
- Mater of Engineering (ME) V Semester Exam 2012
- Master of Law (LLM) Third Term Exam 2012
Where to Go for Results