Indian Institute of Information Technology - Allahabad (IIIT- A) announces to develop e-curriculum for all the Information Technology (IT) courses, offered across the nation.

Last Updated: 2010-05-11T06:03:13+05:30

IIIT- Allahabad To Develop e-curriculum For IT Courses

Indian Institute of Information Technology - Allahabad (IIIT-A) has announced to develop e-curriculumin 18 subjects of Information Technology (IT) for entire IT courses across the nation. The initiative has been taken in accordance with the National Knowledge Process programme, which is launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
The main reason behind the move by MHRD is to spread education about information technology in the northern regions of India. MHRD has assigned IIIT-A with the duty of training mentors and developing IT e-learning modules for institutions that provided technical training such as Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), National Institute of Sciences, etc.
M.D. Tiwari, IIIT-A Director has announced that the ministry had released an amount of Rs 75 lakhs for the project. He also said that the project had already begun at the institute and they had finalized the contents of 120 chapters each for web courses and video lectures. He mentioned that the subjects that the modules cover include civil engineering, computer science, electronics, electrical, communication, mechanical engineering and other core science and humanities courses.
In addition, Mr Tiwari said that the e-learning modules would be available for students on the Sakshat website of MHRD within a period of year. As per sources, the syllabi for the e-learning modules have been collected from those of model engineering courses designed by the All India Curriculum for Technical Education (AICTE), Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University and Visvesvaraya Technical University.
- By Raihan Hassan
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