Madras University has tied-up with UK based Northampton to offer a master’s degree M.Sc in International Environmental Management. The programme will help the candidates become effective environmental managers.
Programme Aims
The overall aims of International Environmental Management Programme are:
• To provide comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the principles and policies which underpin wastes management in the Indian subcontinent;
• To enable students to develop the skills required to assess, analyse and offer practicable sustainable solutions to environmental issues such as climate change;
• To enable active and autonomous learning to be developed through the use of real problems and case study materials;
• To develop key skills including problem-solving abilities, practical competencies, critical appraisal and communication skills;
• To develop qualitative and quantitative skills in research methods;
• To analyse, interpret and present data in subject-specific conventions;
• To develop awareness and understanding of ethical issues and risk management in research;
• To provide the opportunity for students to undertake and report upon an advanced practical project in a topical area of wastes management of their choosing (MSc only)
The programme will be offered in three levels of study
• The post graduate certificate
• The post graduate diploma
• The masters
The students will be required to complete three certificate level, six diploma and seven masters modules to complete the programme. Module content would be delivered by virtual learning environment and would contain module learning packs, text, videos, power point slides, academic papers and other electronic resources.