Offering latest news and information related to Maharana Pratap University of Agrilcuture & Technology/MPUAT Udaipur results, exams, timetable/schedules and notifications
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Maharana Pratap University of Agrilcuture & Technology News & Results

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on June 17, 2013 has announced the result of B Sc (HS) Honours Final Year exam, held in 2013.

MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, on July 13, 2012, has announced the result of B Tech Final Year (II Semester) Dairy / Food Technology exam, held in the year 2011-12.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, Rajasthan, on July 2, 2012, has announced the result of B Sc Final Year exam.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on August 9, 2011 has announced the result of BE Final Year Semester II exam, held in session 2010-11.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on July 18, 2011 has announced the result of Final Year B Tech/BE exam, held in 2010-11.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on June 23, 2011 has announced the result of Final Year B Sc (Agriculture) Honours exam, held in 2010-11.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, has issued notification for admission into PGDLM& FT programme, offered in the upcoming session 2011.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, has issued notification for admission into MBA programme, offered in the ensuing academic session 2011.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on August 16, 2010 has announced the result of final year BE (Mechanical & Electronics) exam.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on August 5, 2010 has declared the result of BE (Electrical) Final Year II Semester exam, held in the session 2009-2010.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on July 30, 2010 has declared the results of Final Year BE (Mining) exam, held for the session 2009-2010.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on July 22, 2010 has announced the result of Final Year BE (CSE) II Semester examination, held in the session 2009-2010.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on July 20, 2010 has announced the result of Final Year BE (Agriculture) 2nd Semester examination.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, on July 15, 2010 has declared the results of BTech (Dairy Tech) Final Year & B Tech (Food Tech) 2nd Semester examination.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology (MPUAT) in Udaipur on June 23, 2009 has declared the result of B Sc Honors exam.