Offering latest news and information related to Vidyasagar University/Vidyasagar University Midnapore results, exams, timetable/schedules and notifications
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Vidyasagar University News & Results

The last date of application for admissions into the MBA programme at Vidyasagar University, for the academic year 2013-15 will be closed on April 29, 2013.

VIdyasagsar University has published the provisional merit list for B.Ed admissions, for the academic year 2013-14.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, on October 18, 2012, announced the results of BA / B Com / B Sc (III Year Degree) Part II exam [Under 3-Tier Exam System], held in 2012.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, on August 17, 2012, has announced the result of BA / B Com / B Sc (III Year Degree General) Part III exam [Under 3-Tier Exam], held in 2012.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, on December 12, 2011, has announced the result of B Sc (III Year Degree General) Part I exam, held in 2011.

Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, on October 24, 2011, has declared the results of BA (III Year Degree Hons) Part-II exam, held in 2011.

Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, on August 29, 2011 has announced the results of B Ed examination.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, on August 16, 2011 has declared the result of BA/ B Sc/ B Com (3 Year Degree General-Under 3 Tier) Part III exam, held in 2011.

Department of Commerce with Farm Management, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, has issued notification for admission into MBA Programme, offered in the upcoming academic session 2011-13.

Vidyasagar University, Medinapore, has announced the BA (3 Year Degree Hons) Part III (3Tier System) exam results today, i.e. on July 14, 2011.

Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, has issued notification for admission into MBA programme, offered in the session 2011-13.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, on December 7, 2010, has announced the result of BA/B Sc/B Com of 3 Tier exams, held in 2010.

Vidyasagar University will soon be declaring the result of BA/B Sc/B Com of 3 Tier exam, held in 2010.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, on October 11, 2010, has declared the result of BA/B Com/B Sc of 3 Tier exam, held in 2010.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, will soon be announcing the result of BA/B Com/B Sc exam, held in 2010.

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, on September 27, 2010, has declared the result of B Ed exam 2010.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, Medinapore, on August 13, 2010 has declared the result of BA (3 Yr Degree Gen) Part III (3Tier System) exam.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, Medinapore, on August 2, 2010 has announced the result of MSc Part I (Chemistry) exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, Medinapore, on July 27, 2010 has announced the result of MA/MSc (Geog & Envi Mgmt) Part II examination, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, West Bengal, has announced the result of BA 3Year Degree Hons Part III (3 Tier System) examination.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, in Medinapore on June 21, 2010 has announced the results of MA Sanskrit part II exam, held in December 2009.

Vidyasagar University or VIDU in Medinapore has extended the last date to apply for MBA programme admission till May 20, 2010.

Vidyasagar University or VIDU in Medinapore on May 14, 2010 has announced the result of M Sc Part I (Physics) exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University (VIDU) in Medinapore, West Bengal, on may 5, 2010 has announced the result of M Com part I exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University (VIDU) in Medinapore on April 30, 2010, has announced the result of MA / M Sc Part I (Geography & Environment Mgmt) exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, in West Bengal on April 20, 2010 has declared the result of M Sc (Botany) part I exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University in West Bengal on April 19, 2010 announced the result of MA Part I (Bengali) exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University, also known as VIDU, in West Bengal on April 12, 2010, has declared the result of MA part I (Political Science) exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University (VIDU) in Mednapore on April 6, 2010 has announced the result of M Sc part II (Zoology) exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University (VIDU) in Mednapore (West Bengal) has released the result of Master of Science (M Sc) in Environmental Science Part I Examination, which was conducted in 2009.

Vidyasagar University (VIDU) in Medinapore on March 8, 2010 has announced the result of M Sc in Mathematics part I exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University in Medinapore on February 17, 2010 has announced the result of MA part II History Distance Education exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University (VIDU) in Medinapore on December 1, 2009 declared the result of B A / B Sc / B Com Hons / General part 1& 3 tier exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University in West Bengal on October 29, 2009 declared the result of B A general part II exam, held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University in West Bengal on September 2, 2009 has announced the result of B Sc general part I exam held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University in West Bengal on August 20, 2009 released the result of B A 3rd year degree general part II exam held in 2009.

Vidyasagar University in West Bengal on July 20, 2009 declared the result of BA (Hons) part II new scheme three years degree exam.