Offering latest news and information related to Acharya Nagarjuna University/ANU Guntur results, exams, timetable/schedules and notifications
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Acharya Nagarjuna University News & Results

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on June 11, 2013, has declared the results of PG II Semester exam 2012.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) on May 29, 2013 has announced the revaluation results of B.Pharmacy III/IV 5th & IV/IV 7th semester regular examination, held in December 2012.

Acharya Nagarajuna University has announced the results of MPhil/PhD Part I (Arts, Science & Engineering) examination on April 23, 2013.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on February 18, 2013, has declared the results of M Tech II Semester Regular exam, held in the month of October 2012.

Centre for Distance Education (CDE), Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Nagarjuna Nagar, has issued the notification for admission into various programmes, to be offered in the ensuing session 2013.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on January 29, 2013, declared the results of PG I / III Semester exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on January 23, 2013, announced the results of B Tech I Semester (Regular) / II Semester (Supplementary) exam, held in November 2012.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on June 26, 2012, has announced the results of B Tech IV Year II Semester (Regular) / B Ed (Special Batch-Regular) exam, held in April 2012.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on September 12, 2011 has announced the results of Degree 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Hyderabad, invites to apply for MPhil/Pre PhD Part I examinations, which is to be conducted in October 2011.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, has issued notification for admission into PG Diploma in Yoga for Human Science, offered in the ensuing academic session 2011-12.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, has published the Physical Education Common Entrance Test (PECET) 2011 rank card.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, on April 26, 2011 has announced the result of Final Year Degree Exam, held in April 2011.

Acharya Nagarjuna University Common Entrance Test 2011, also known as ANUCET, date has been announced.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, has issued the notification for admission into part time M Ed programme, to be offered in the ensuing session 2011.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, has declared the result of B Ed exam, held in 2010.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh, has announced the Final Year Degree Supplementary examination 2010 results today, i.e. on August 28, 2010.

Acharya Nagarjun University (ANU), Guntur, has announced the results of first year degree examination, held in March 2010.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Guntur has announced the date of ANU Physical Education Common Entrance Test 2010, also known as ANU PECET.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh has issued the notification for admission into M Ed (Part Time) programme, offered in the upcoming session 2010.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Guntur on November 17, 2009 declared the result of final year degree advanced supplementary (RV) exam, held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Guntur on November 13, 2009 released the result of B Pharma 1st year exam, held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Guntur on October 2, 2009 released the result of degree supplementary examination, held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on August 3, 2009 released the result of 1st & 2nd year of B A, B Sc, B Com and BBM exam held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on July 7, 2009 announced the result of MCA & B Pharma exam held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on July 1, 2009 released the result of final year of B A, B Sc, B Com & BBM exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on June 27, 2009 has announced the result of BCA & B A exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on June 26, 2009 announced the result of B Com & BBM exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on June 25, 2009 has announced the result of B A 1st & 2nd year exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh on June 24, 2009 announced the result of B Sc & B Com II year exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh has announced the updated result B Sc, BA, BBM, BCA, B Com, B Com (Res) and B Com (Voc) 3rd year degree supplementary exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University in Andhra Pradesh, announced the result of B A exam on June 18, 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, on June 18, 2009 released the result of B Sc supplementary exam.

Aacharya Nagarjuna University in Andhra Pradesh, on June 18, 2009 announced the result of BBM & BCA exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh, on June 18, 2009 released the result of B Com Res & Voc exam.

Updated result of BCA third year was announced by Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) on May 31, 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Andhra Pradesh has released the updated result of BBM third year exam, on May 31, 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Guntur on May 23, 2009 released the result of B Sc revised third year degree exam held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Guntur on May 23, 2009 declared the result of B Com revised third year exam held in 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Guntur has brought out the result of B A revised third year degree exam on May 23, 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Andhra Pradesh on May 18, 2009 declared the result of BBM III year exam.

Acharya Nagarjun University (ANU) in Andhra Pradesh announced the result of B Sc third year exam on May 18, 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Andhra Pradesh on May 18, 2009 has announced the result of B Com III year exam.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Andhra Pradesh has released the BCA III semester exam result on May 18, 2009.

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) Andhra Pradesh on May 18, 2009 has released the result of BA III year exam.